Resources by Shan and Rey Thumbran
Shan Thumbran is an author, church leader, executive and relationship coach with a number of best-selling books that have helped many people in different spheres of life.
Learning the eternal truths about God’s word is not a matter of sitting in an “ivory tower” secluded from the real world. It is not also randomly opening the Bible “let’s see what God is saying”, nor is it limited to your pastor’s sermons. Practical learning of God truth requires organising the many concepts (doctrines) and communicating the truths about God as revealed in His word, firstly in your life and then in your world. However, this skill does not happen overnight; it takes time, and this is why we have created Truth Explosion!
The Bible is written to real people living in a real world, facing real problems, and needing God’s real, practical word. The more grounded you are in sound doctrine, the more personal relationships you can have with God and the more meaningful Christianity you will experience!
In the first of my Trilogy, Why Christianity? You will learn:
Why Christianity? Forms part also of our Free Online Spiritual Mentoring Program. This dynamic program can be done individually or in a group.
Make sure to register for the program! Visit my Course Page for more info
All sound biblical teachings comprise of several essential factors; for instance, it must be God-focused, Christ centred, and it must be HOLY SPIRIT LED! This is why we created Truth Explosion! The Holy Spirit is not merely an addendum to the Christian faith. He is at the heart and core of Christianity.
In the first of my sequel, The Power of Christianity, you will learn about:
The Spirit’s unique role is seen as He hovers over creation to bring order out of disorder and light out of darkness and form our of formlessness. The Holy Spirit supplies power to God’s Word, giving it life and substance in the physical and spiritual realms. Therefore, if we are going to live a victorious Christian life, we must understand the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Take advantage of our pre-launch sale! This book launches October 21, login details will automatically be emailed!
The Power of Christianity, forms part also of our Free Online Spiritual Mentoring Program. This dynamic program can be done individually or in a group.
Make sure to register for the program! Visit my Course Page for more info.
There are only two kinds of Christians. The first are those who talk about the lost; the second speak to the lost.
There is no greater joy in all the world than seeing a loved one, friend, or stranger come to the Lord. Yet, very few share the gospel, and the primary reason for this is fear. But there is no need to fear because you may not realise how receptive and open people are to hear about Jesus.
The final book in my Trilogy, Sharing Christianity, aims to provide you with the best, easiest, most effective personal soul-winning methods. The foundation is solidly biblical and the method is refreshingly relational. This book is also written as an anecdote to argumentative and antagonistic approaches to evangelism.
Here are just a few things, you will learn:
Why you cannot fail
How to overcome fear
The five questions to share Jesus
The seven shared scriptures
The commitment questions
Ready responses to the most common objection
How to pray for nonbelievers
And so much more
Take advantage of our relaunch sale!
Sharing Christianity forms part of our Free Online Spiritual Mentoring Program. This dynamic program can be done individually or in a group.
Make sure to register for the program! Visit my Course Page for more info.
Our Mission at Truth Explosion (T.E) is to help new and already practising Christians know God personally, defend the faith rationally and live life meaningfully.
In this riveting book, Reyhana Thumbran tells her story of growing up as a Muslim within the melting pot of cultures in the ‘rainbow’ nation of South Africa. Her feeling of being somewhat marginalized and not always understood persuaded her into a more fervent belief in Islam. Rooted in her faith as a Muslim, it all unravelled suddenly when she encountered Jesus. Although she was not looking for Him, He found her and the encounter left her with no option but to acknowledge the Truth of His Word that shone so powerfully into the depths of her soul, and caused scales to fall from her eyes.
Eternity’s At Stake, the real-life story of a Muslim woman’s miraculous encounter with Truth, is heartfelt and compelling, coupled with an addendum of apologetics and convincing arguments that drew her to Jesus.
Reyhana’s prayer is that, as readers embark on this Journey of Truth, Jesus will be revealed to them. His promise is that if they seek Him with all their hearts, He will be found by them.
I wrote this book for three critical reasons. Namely, to encourage as many sincere Buddhists (even Hindus), whether from the traditional eastern or modern western influences, to consider that what the noble Buddha was searching for Jesus has offered all of humanity.
Secondly, to help Christians understand that even Hindus are open to the Gospel like many sincere Buddhists. Who would respectfully sit and listen, providing we know how to take the conversation from beyond the mere “Hi, am Buddhists, Hindu or New Age” Full stop! Find better ways to share God’s grace more effectively, respectfully and lovingly as the cure for the karmic curse.
Thirdly, I wrote this book because it is essential to understand what makes it difficult for Buddhists or Hindus to come to Jesus. As you continue to read, you will find better ways to share God’s grace more effectively as the cure for the karmic curse most respectfully and lovingly.
Why study Systematic Theology? Systematic theology is nothing if it not the pursuit of truth, and the truth is essential to biblical Christianity. Jesus said the truth will set you free… No Christian worthy of the name should be indifferent to the pursuit of right doctrine.
As Louis Berkhof put it, “They who minimize the significance of the truth and therefore ignore and neglect it, will finally come to the discovery that they have very little Christianity left.”
Who are these volumes written for? These volumes constitute a part of the requisite reading in our program “Christian Doctrine and Systemic Theology.” It was written as pure as possible to uphold theological fidelity because Church unity requires doctrinal agreement. It was also written for the laymen who have no desire for theological training but yearns to grasp the Christian thought.
“Finally! A guide for anyone looking to get the relationship game right”
In an age where so many relationships end up on the rocks, how can you know for sure if the one you’re with is…THE ONE?
In Dating Readiness–What Nobody’s Told You, Author, Relationship Expert, Shan Thumbran, hands you the how-to playbook on dating you’ve been looking for. Forged from personal experience in years of counselling, as well as in hosting his Dating, Courting, and Marriage workshops, Shan reveals his best-kept relationship secrets, including:
•The Power of an Ancient “Cinderella” Story
•The Importance of Discerning Character
•Chemistry vs. Compatibility
•Keys to a Successful Marriage
•And much, much more…
If you’ve been wondering if you should take your relationship to the next level—or send your date packing—this book is for you!
Many people believe if you’re poor, you can draw closer to God. In the opposite extreme, millions of people’s lives centre on their possessions! So what do we believe about wealth that truly lines up with God’s Word?
Wealth for Dominion by Shan Thumbran settles this debate once and for all.
Feel your excitement grow as you discover startling ancient truths on God’s plan for wealth. Solidly based on the scriptures, this book clears up common misconceptions. God called you to have dominion in life. And with wealth in proper perspective, you’re empowered to do exactly that.
In Wealth for Dominion by Dr Shan Thumbran, you’ll learn:
•Two Opposite Views on Wealth (Materialism vs. Asceticism)
•God’s Wealth Chromosome
•The Birth of the “Vow of Poverty”
•The Wealth of the Biblical Patriarchs
•The Unbreakable Force of the Ancient Hebraic Blessing
•An Accurate View on the Wealth of Jesus
•Why God Has a Covenant of Wealth with you
•God’s Plan for Wealth in the Last Days
•Vital lessons on Wealth Corruption based on the Life of King Solomon
•The Church’s Financial Future Index
And so much more…
Cited as, “The most balanced book I have ever read on wealth” – Dr Jean Botha. Academic Head: RBC (Rhema Bible College)